Monday, October 29, 2007

Some advice here

How To Make Your Ex Miss You Enough To Want You Back

1. First of all, it’s counter productive to want or even try to hurt someone who you love. What you’re doing by making him/her see you with someone else is trying to make him/her feel insecure and unvalued. And most men and women are already insecure and lacking in self-worth without you even trying. All this does is make them withdraw even further into themselves or find someone else who makes them feel better about themselves. Those who are secure and have a strong sense of self-worth usually don’t want second-hand stuff, used merchandize or leftovers. They’ll be too proud to take you back.

2. Secondly, the flow of attention and affection which should be directed towards making someone feel affection and desire is disturbed by such a maneuver. Dividing your affection and directing your attention towards more than one person makes you unable to give enough to one or the other, nor take enough from either. You often end up alone.

Read the rest of the entry here

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