Friday, October 26, 2007

How to ask a woman out

Attention all the MALE species (lol), guys..this entry is for you. Some do's and don'ts from on how to ask your dream girl for a date.

1. DO be straightforward. If you want her to go out with you, say so. Get right to the point.

2. DON’T ask her out via email.
Even in the Internet age, the best way to ask a woman out are the old-fashioned ways: face-to-face or by phone, because she’s more likely to say yes.

3. DO look her in the eyes and smile when you ask her. Obvious stuff, right? But if you’re nervous, you might not do it! You might look from side to side, or down at your feet with an expression of fear or doubt or uncertainty.

4. DON’T pass the buck to her. If you meet a woman you like, don’t hand her your card at the end of the night and just say, “Call me if you want.” Instead, take control and get her phone number or email (which you’d use to email her for her phone number…).

Read the rest of the entry here..

My note: There's no harm in trying right? Who know you will win her heart on that night too *wink*

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