Monday, January 07, 2008

Screen him before you date him

If you are given a chance to screen your suitor and possible boyfriend before going out and investing feelings with him, would you do it? If you are asking me, yes I would gladly do it, it's for my own good. If he does the same, then its also fine with me. I would also understand it.

Anyway, the online screening can be done in the internet right now. There's this Date Screening Website for woman that collects and features information about guys who have and do not have record of being a 'not so nice' one. is in the top 15% most popular women's websites in the world and it gives FREE medical advice from its volunteer doctor. It also gives Free psychotherapy advice from a psychotherapist specializing in sociopaths and narcissists and for fun, it has Free custom women's cartoon comedies and women's games to entertain its members.

If you are interested, you can browse now or at any convenient of your time. I know this is not a guarantee that you will be safe in your incoming relationship but the point is at least you now have the idea and you don't give trust easily. For more information, give the website a browse.

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