Thursday, December 20, 2007

Have you heard about the bubblenator?

Have you heard about bubblenator? Bubblenator is the newest craze in the blogosphere right now. Its so easy and fun to do. Bubblenator is inserting speech bubbles to your pictures. If you like the glittery images from other picture enhancer, why not try to display your own picture in your blog now?

Here's the process on how to use the bubblenator:

1)Load in Log on to the website linked on this post,
2)Load your image or picture, use The Bubblenator to add 'speech bubbles' wherever you want it to place.
3)You can place up up to three bubbles onto your image.
4)Fill in your desired text for each bubble, You can change the size and choose from 'spoken' and 'thought' bubbles.
5)When you're done, an embedding code will be then available to you. This code can be embedded into your blog or website.

See, its that simple. And by the way, if you are also looking for tips and tricks on online games. The website is also giving this one. Give it a try and of course be responsible on anything you'll do. For a more detailed information, log on to the website anytime you want. It's a good boredom reliever in case you didn't know :-)

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