Friday, November 30, 2007

This is applicable for me too

Best Cars For First-Time Drivers

You've joked about it, fretted over it, and now the moment is at hand: Junior is learning to drive, eager to roll full-speed toward the open road.

If you're like most parents, you're not entirely sure your child is ready. Will he practice safety? Will she obey your instructions? Or will they tune you out and speed around town with a carload of friends?

Let's be clear on a key point: There's no question that how you drive is more important to safety than what you drive. The stoutest, most technically advanced vehicle in the world is still a potential death trap in the hands of a reckless or impaired driver; a vintage car with 100,000 miles on the odometer can still be driven safely.

Still, when it comes to buying a car for a first-timer, many parents would agree with experts that those with impressive safety features are tops. Choosing a car with stellar crash performance and features such as mandatory air-bags and electronic stability control can boost your child's odds in an accident and preserve your peace of mind.


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