Friday, November 09, 2007

Hurt, Loneliness and Lies - What's Behind Them?

How many times have you lied in order to ward off loneliness? We can lie by pretending to really care for someone when all we want is a little company, i.e.; "I love you." And when we find someone more interesting, we lie again to end the old relationship, i.e.; "I just want to be friends now, Okay?"

We can lie with our eyes, with what we write, with our body language, and of course with our words. We mostly lie to ourselves, however, and this is why all lies catch up to us sooner or later. A person that lies or a person that is lonely is a person that is confused about life.

When we look closely at what causes loneliness and lies, we can see that it involves a lack of stimulation. When we are born, we come complete with a battery of sense organs. We can feel things, taste things, smell things, see things, hear things, and think about things. Together, these feelings form a perfect storm when all of our senses are stimulated exquisitely by a close relationship. When the relationship ends, however, all this stimulation is lost, and we feel devastated. So is it the person that we miss, or the stimulation? Apparently, it is the stimulation, because as soon as we find someone or something new, everything is cool again. So, what is more important, our need for stimulation, or our need for people? The two are closely connected.


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