Thursday, July 21, 2011

Want your body back again? Read this

Listen ladies, if you've tried everything  that you can to shed off that extra lbs that you do not need and still have it, maybe a CoolSculpting is right for you.

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive alternative to fat reduction. What the CoolSculpting does is to cool the treated area just above freezing, at which point the fat turns from a liquid to solid. This process promotes a process called apoptosis, which causes the targeted fat cells to shrink, while leaving surrounding skin and other tissue unharmed.

I've seen this process introduced on Dr. Oz show on tv. It sounds promising and who doesn't want to get rid of those unwanted fats?

To learn more about CoolSculpting, visit them on facebook at  and don't forget to like them!

You can also join and enter the 12 Weeks to Change Challenge and win fabulous prizes!

*This is a paid advertisement by

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