Friday, September 28, 2007

Wanted: Hip and trendy women!

Did you know that you, the women of today can spice up your social lifestyle without spending $$ on any of those magazine? All you need to do is an internet connection and a computer at home and viola –you’re in for trendy and hip social lifestyle.

Introducing the, it is a social lifestyle portal that guides every woman on the latest trend and fashion, even the newest restaurant guide to help those busy women spice up their modish life. After all, a dull and no social life is a BIG sin. incorporated an e-shop in the portal so the viewers can easily purchase any trendy stuff displayed. The website also has a blog wherein the viewers can contribute their own hip and trendy fashion lifestyle. Viewers can also post comments, suggestions, selections and choices to help or guide other viewers.

Spice up your fab style now, log on!

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