Owning your own domain is as easy as 123 this days. A simple click and browse in the internet will give you numbers of websites that offers domain and web hosting choice that you can look from. I own a couple of domains and one thing that I always do first before buying one is to search for any feedback or comments of that certain provider.
That way, I'll have the first hand information about the provider that I choose. Take note that when you own your own domain, you have to make sure that you will get a 99.9% uptime if not a hundred. When your hosting provider is not reliable, chances are you'll get a downtime. 1 incident is fine but if it goes beyond 1 then it's not good anymore.
We're online 24/7 and who knows when your website was down, that was also the time when you're having good traffic. Personal use or business use, having downtime period is not good.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
I love perfumes!
I love perfumes! Who else doesn't right? Whenever I go online and shop, any brand of perfume would always caught my eyes ;) . What about you? What are your favorite brands of perfume?
I know there are a lot of brands of different perfume and fragrance. There are perfumes that are made from UK, US, Asian countries, Canada and etc. 2 brands of perfume that I really like and love is the Burberry and Lacoste.
They smell so good and I just love using it.
By the way, did you know that there are quite a couple of websites that are selling affordable perfumes? Yes, you bet there is.
A simple search and click will give you a good list of perfume stores that are available and will ship the product right at your doorstep right away.
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